In Cataloochee sits a little old Methodist church called Palmer’s Chapel. Built in 1898 on property donated by Mary Ann Palmer, it was the only church in Big Cataloochee. The community was so small it couldn’t afford a full-time minister – so services were held once a month when a circuit preacher passed through.
We visited the church when my family gathered in Haywood County for Labor Day. The girls and their cousins played on the banks of the creek; while I slipped inside. I’m always blown away when I walk through those doors. The sanctuary is one of those places that just feels nearer to God. I bowed my head and prayed. I always do when I find myself in Palmer’s Chapel.
My cousin, Mechelle, joined me inside. She took up the pew in front of me. After a bit of prodding, I convinced her to sing Amazing Grace in Palmer’s Chapel. I caught it on camera – and begged her to let me post it for y’all. It was just too beautiful of a moment not to share. Enjoy!