12.22.24 2

The Christmas Pickle

The Christmas pickle is one of those quirky traditions that seems to pop up out of nowhere, leaving people scratching their heads or laughing at its sheer absurdity. But in our house, it is serious business.

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12.17.24 1

My Very Own Truvy Jones

Like most Southern women, I have a full-blown obsession with Steel Magnolias. Funny, dramatic, and heartfelt. It checks all the boxes. Plus, it’s spot-on with its depiction of Southern life.

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12.16.24 4

Saint Nicholas Day

Have you ever heard of Saint Nicholas Day? If not, you’re not alone—it’s not exactly a common tradition here in North Carolina. Despite its rarity, we celebrate it in my house anyway. And over the years, it’s become one of our most beloved holiday traditions.

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