
Patio Herb Garden

It’s time to admit it: my new vegetable garden won’t be ready before fall. I’m trying not to feel too bad about it; I mean, there have been a million other things going on this summer. Not to mention that we’re cutting trees down that could fall in the new garden area. Plus, it’s been hotter than hell’s hinges lately, and who wants to get out and dig a garden in this heat?

I just can’t live without some sort of garden, though. I reckon that’s my Southern roots showing, but it is what it is. To make myself feel better, I created a little potted patio herb garden to tide me over. It’s nothing fancy, just some old terra cotta pots filled with a few of my favorite herbs.

There’s basil, sweet mint, oregano, lemon thyme, rosemary, and sage out there. The basil and mint are suffering in the hot sun – but everything else looks beautiful. I wish I could take credit for the thriving herbs, but I’m pretty sure the Black Kow compost I’ve been topping them off with is why they’re doing so good.

While I was at it, I planted new lavender plants out front. Only one of last year’s plants survived. This bunch seems to be doing much better.

Of course, I keep aloe on hand too. I’m not sure if it technically counts as an herb, but it’s one of the most useful plants in my yard. I use it to treat everything from burns to eczema to acne. Aloe is like a one-stop shop for any kind of skin issue.

Outside of being practical – and delicious, I love that the potted patio herb garden keeps me running outdoors throughout the day. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine is just good for the soul.

Do any of y’all grow an herb garden too? I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below!

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